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Materials List for John David Anderson June 2025

Colours Acrylics or Oils


Alizarin Crimson or Permanent Rose Cadmium Red Light
Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue

Cadmium Yellow Light
Cadmium Yellow Medium, not too orange
Transparent Red Oxide or Transparent Earth Red or Transparent Burnt Sienna or Burnt Sienna Titanium White

Nice to have:

Quinacridone Violet
Cadmium Orange
Mixing White. - 1/2 Zinc with 1/2 Titanium White

Not Necessary but I use some of them some of the time:

Pthalo Blue
Viridi an
Yellow Ochre
Cobalt Teal
Pyrole Red or Perylene Red


Synthetic Flats for Acrylics Natural Hog bristle for Oils

Sizes from 1/4 inch with up to 1” wide
I carry #2, #4, #6, #8, #10, #12 - # 8 or #10 is the work horse

Water colour Rigger brush #4


For Acrylic painters, Matte Medium, not Matte Gel
For Oil Painters, Liquin Light Gel and or Gamblin Solvent Free Gel

Rags and or paper towels, lots

Water container for acrylic painters for brush washing

Odourless Mineral spirits in a sealed container for Oil Painters


Portable stand up easel - I have an umbrella with my easel just in case its too bright, nice but not necessary -

Solid palette, palette paper pad no less than 9x12 but 12 x 16 is much better


Portable chair if you need one
Sun protection gear, hat, long sleeves, sun block cream


Sketch pad for thumbnails

Painting surfaces:

Solid surfaces are best,not stretched canvases, paint panels, masonite or plywood panels...I use 1/4” birch plywood panels
Seal the wood surfaces and coat with 2 layers of gesso, sanded in-between

Pint of Guinness for the instructor

Blue Mountain School of Landscape Painting  • Tel: (705) 445 3241 •

232 Oak Street, Collingwood. ON. L9Y 2Y1

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