Blue Mountain School of Landscape Painting 2025

Materials List for Andrew Sookrah
In case of weather, Andrew will have reference images on hand to share for work in the studio
Watercolours Paints (suggested)
The basics you can get by with:
Ultramarine Blue, Pthalo Blue, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, Naples Yellow, Jenkins Green or Hookers Green, Teal, Burnt Sienna, Purple, Alizarin Crimson, Sepia, Paynes Grey, Mars Black,
Additional, to go further:
Cobalt Blue, Manganese Blue Hue, Sap Green, Turquoise, van dyke Brown, (and any other colours of your choice)
Watercolour paper, single sheets or in pre-stretched pads
MediaMasking Fluid
Friskit (or other brand name) for masking areas
Paper towel roll.
Please bring your own containers for water.
Masking tape
A board to support your paper
Assorted watercolour brushes, in a range sizes and shapes (fine point, flats, rounds)