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Jacintha Krish - Materials List

My preferred acrylic paint colours are listed below. Please don’t feel obliged to get them all. I like Golden and/or Liquitex brand
I tend to use heavy body paints as colours are sharper and richer
Bring whatever you have as well - substituting can be a tool for creativity!

Titanium white
Primary magenta
Hansa yellow/Indian yellow
cadmium yellow medium
cadmium red (perfect for poppies!)
Yellow ochre
Burnt sienna (optional)
Ultramarine blue
Paynes grey
Titanium white and/or a couple of other colours of your choice of liquid paint (for special squiggles and lines) not essential but nice to have!

Posca fine bullet tip markers (3 mm) in medium to light blue, white and deep yellow. If not available any similar size and colour will do.
2 or 3 Small stencils and combs (for special effects) from De Serres


3 squares..... 12” x 12” 1 canvas....... 12”x 24” 1 canvas .......20” x 20”.


3 Flat tipped synthetic angled brushes ranging from 1⁄4” - 1” (Zen brand brushes $4.99 + from DeSerres work quite well).
An extra wider brush 1.5” - 2” will be an added bonus when painting on larger canvas sizes. Assorted palette knives (narrow and long as well as shorter) - plastic ones are fine.


Soft HB pencils, sharpener and kneaded eraser or whatever is your choice of drawing tool. Ruler


Palette for acrylics (disposable pad is easier) J cloths, ruler,

3⁄4” - 1” Green or masking tape. 2 empty yogurt tubs for water


May is the month when flowers are bursting into bloom after a long winter.
Let’s enjoy painting them! I will provide reference photos to include fields of Iris, poppies, lavender and some garden photos of hydrangea, lily ponds and other blooming gardens.

I feel it is generally easier to grasp the concepts if you follow from my demo reference photo. I would like to request the students to bring in a couple of their own reference photos if possible.

Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. I recommend students to browse through my website to obtain a general idea of my style of painting before the class. Prerequisite: Some experience in handling acrylic painting materials, knowledge of composition and colour and basic drawing skills.


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