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Alexandra Sharma • Materials List

Suggested Materials List for Plein Air Water Color Painting 2024

Instructor: Alexandra Sharma
Email:, website:

PAINTS (11) Bare-Bones Palette (These are the colours I will be using.)

Bring what you have that will be close to those listed below.

2 Yellows: 1 warm (Ex: Cadmium Yellow or Gamboge or other), and 1 cool ( Ex. Lemon or Aureolin (cobalt) yellow or other) Yellow ochre or raw sienna
Cadmium red (or other orange-leaning red)

Alizarin crimson ( or other violet-leaning red/scarlet) Ultramarine blue or Cobalt Blue
Phthalo Blue (Prussion Blue is a close alternative) Cerulean Blue

2 Greens (Ex: Sap green, Hookers, Phthalo green, or greens of your choice) Burnt Sienna or Burnt Umber

BRUSHES (1 flat and 1 round)

Bring the brushes you have and are used to. The two sizes I suggest will be just fine for our course. Just ensure that your brushes have “spring”—meaning that when wet, they will spring back to vertical after being pressed on the paper. This is vital for control and brush “vocabulary” I will demonstrate. (I will be using a 1 1/2” flat and a #10 and #28 round.)

1-inch flat brush or larger (whatever you are comfortable with)
#8 or 10 pointed round-- or larger-- brush (again, whatever you are comfortable with)


A plastic palette or other palette—with large area for mixing. (The folding travel palette is a good choice for ease in transportation.)

Additional materials: pencil (any office pencil), eraser: pink pearl, or Mars plastic type. Water bottle and any large opening container to hold water for rinsing your brush (example: cottage cheese or yogurt container) and a few paper towels for clean up.


Good quality watercolour paper (Arches, Fabriano, etc,) in the size of your choice. Example: 11” x 14” watercolor paper. 140 lb. cold or hot pressed watercolor paper— either in sheet form, pad, or in a block; Paper size: no smaller than 9” x 11”. (If you purchase one large sheet it can be cut to whatever size you wish.)

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